
Yesterday, before my knitting group met up, I had a walk through the Union Square Greenmarket, and my eyes fell on some plums. You should buy those and make plum cake, I thought. Dad really loves plums. It doesn’t hurt that lots of people have been blogging about making plum cake lately.

So I bought the plums, a lovely mix of purple and golden, and brought them home, and neglected to take pictures of them before I sliced them up this afternoon and got to work.

Plum Kuchen

I used this recipe, and threw in a few dashes of nutmeg and ground clove with the cinnamon in the batter. It was delicious. And as it turns out, my Dad (and the rest of us) had one of those days where one bad thing after another just sort of piled up, so having something delicious around to end the day with helped, just a little. And it turned out so pretty with the fruit and the cinnamon that I figured I’d share.

Plum Kuchen

I was hoping for leftovers for breakfast. But now that the hordes are descending, I think I better make other plans:
Plum Kuchen

I guess it tasted good!

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