
So my favorite place to hang out on Ravelry is a little group called LSG, a group filled with some fine ladies and gents with hearts of gold. (And language of profanity, but that’s why it’s fun.) They set a goal to raise $5069 yesterday for Haiti relief, because that’s how many people are willing to admit they’re LSGers.

In 24 hours, they have raised almost $7,000, and donations are still pouring in. It makes my little heart go pitter-pat.

And I’m not the only one who’s pledged time, or money, or pattern sales. Kristen Rengren has complied a list of knitters, yarnies, and designers who are pledging their products, as well as a run-down of aid organizations accepting donations. There’s some great stuff on that list, so you should click through and check it out. Kristen herself is donating 50% of her sales from two of her terrific patterns this month, and I appreciate that she went ahead and made a list so I could just link you all to it.

I said it in the last post, but I say it again. Knitters are an amazing community, and I’m proud to be in it.