Feb 02 2008


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My name is Abigail Tilden.

I hold an MLS degree from Queens College, as well as a BA in History from Stony Brook University. As an undergraduate I studied German and History, and spent a semester abroad in Graz, Austria.  My research interests include the effects of copyright and DRMs on end users, provision of service to inmates and the laws that affect it, and information literacy and its recursive relationship with technology.

During my undergraduate years, I worked as a writing tutor, and I still maintain an interest in the similarities of composition pedagogy and the reference interview. I also have a keen interest in history, with an especial fascination for Austria’s Empress Elisabeth and the many children and grandchildren of England’s Victoria. In addition, I enjoy the history of New York, and especially its trains and subways.

Primary among hobbies is knitting, which allows me to maintain (usually) a state of Zen during my long New York commutes.  I am also a fan of non-acrylic yarn, genre fiction, cancelled television shows, subway art, and long walks on the beach.  (Minus the sand in my shoes, of course.)

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